MP Teuler

MP Teuler

My name is Marie-Pierre Teuler and I have studied photography at the Escuela Activa de Fotografía in Mexico City. I have created this blog to share with you my latest creations. All the works shown in this blog have been inspired by Barcelona. Marie-Pierre Teuler

Stardust 57

In the 22@ Urban District, some of the workshops and small factories of past centuries have been converted into co-working places.

Candy City 52

Pati Manning, home to the Centre d’Estudis i Recursos Culturals, is an architectural gem of the El Raval neighborhood. It used to be part of the Casa de la Caritat which was built in 1743.

Geometrics 41

Most apartement buildings of the Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera neighborhood are old properties, but there are a few exceptions.

Totem 7

In 2016, the Centre Comercial Barcelona Glòries was totally refurbished and extended but its main metal access gate was kept intact.

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