Category Geometrics

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Most apartement buildings of the Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera neighborhood are old properties, but there are a few exceptions.

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The El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou neighborhood is part of the so-called 22@ Urban District. Its office towers are for me an endless source of inspiration.

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The Diagonal Mar i el Front Marítim del Poblenou neighborhood is famous for its state of the art buildings which look even more striking with the help of a mirror effect.

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La Bordeta is a neighborhood full of contrasts. There you can find modern office buildings next to last century apartment blocks located right across from historic industrial buildings of the Catalan Manchester period.

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In the futuristic Plaça d’Europa square, located in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, glass facades reflect parallel worlds which disrupt our vision of reality.

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The revamped neighborhood of La Marina del Prat Vermell boasts the latest architectural trends in condos and office buildings.

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It seems to me that nowadays architects use a very limited color palette. I would love to see buildings like this one which I painted the way I would want it to be.

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